School Chaplaincy
School Chaplaincy is our school work project at Falmouth School. The project was launched in February 2016 in the form of a lunchtime drop-in, working with over 100 students a week, school assemblies, special events, and more. We are able to do this through our strong partnership with Falmouth School, as well as a dedicated team of volunteers from several churches across Falmouth.
Our mission is twofold. Firstly, we want to share the hope and message of Jesus. Secondly, we aim to inspire pupils' perceptions of themselves, others, and faith. Our big idea is to inspire young people to 'live for more,' to avoid repeating unhealthy life patterns, and to raise the bar of expectation for who they are and what they can achieve in their lives.

Love Christmas
Launched as part of our No Child Without project (see below), Love Christmas is our way of providing support during the Christmas holidays. For the past five years, we have provided individuals and families across Falmouth with three essentials: warm clothing, fresh food, and celebration.
The warm clothing element is through our yearly pop-up shop, where we supply individuals with or good-quality coats and accessories in our beautifully curated space.
The fresh food element involved delivering fresh food packages during the pandemic years, and over the two years, this has been offered alongside our coat pop-up. We also open our health, hygiene and household bank during this time.
The celebration aspect of this project has varied from year to year. This has included 'Christmas Activity Boxes,' 'Bags of Kindness,' and 'The Big Love Christmas Party.'
Please follow our socials for the latest updates on Love Christmas 2025.

Falmouth Days
In 2022 and 2023, we held our first Love Falmouth Days, aimed at providing practical assistance, particularly in gardens, to individuals and organizations in Falmouth.
So far the project has supported seven families and the UK Age Day Centre in revitalizing garden spaces for families and the elderly to enjoy. Our volunteers (Love Falmouth Legends) have helped tidy up gardens, plant new flowers, fruits, and vegetables, build fences, create sensory spaces, and construct new equipment for gardens. The families have been extremely grateful for the support as this quote shows:
"Everything is growing so beautifully. I have a flower on the tomatoes, and the leaves on the potatoes have grown so much that I'll need to buy compost tomorrow to cover them back up. The kids and I are so grateful. Without, I wouldn't have the garden looking as lovely as it does now, and I'm forever grateful that strangers came and put their energy and love into my family to help me climb out of a dark place. We've eaten lunch or dinner out there most days since they helped, and the kids have inviting their friends over to play again. I don't think there are enough words for you all. 'Many hands make light work' is the truest thing I've ever heard."

No Child
October 2020, we envisioned a community where no child in Falmouth and the surrounding areas would go without a warm winter coat, access to fresh nutritional food, and celebrations during the Christmas period. This vision was inspired by a report we had read that stated, "On average, three children from every primary school class will be deprived of basics such as warm winter clothing, fresh food, and celebrations over the Christmas holidays." This initiative later evolved into our Love Christmas project, as described above.
The No Child Without project continues to operate in the background, supporting children and families during "pinch" and through crises. This is implemented in several ways, including "Birthday in a Box," Easter holiday activity bags, back-to-school pop-ups, uniform purchases, equipment purchases, and providing crisis packages (fresh food, toiletries, shoes, etc.) for refugees, homeless individuals, and victims of domestic abuse.
We partner with the local early help hub and social service teams to identify those in need of this project.